Thing 23: The end

It so sad, I’m writing this because I have enjoyed jumping on here and learning new things, reading other blogs and leaving comments as well. In the future I wish to expand and master all the things I have learnt during this course. So if you like continue to watch this space. I am also wanting to start a research blog and a personal blog dedicated to my daughter and her husband who is in his mid 20’s. He has a brain tumour which he is in Stage 4 with an aggressive cancer. Many Pasifika families struggle to understand sometimes what is happening or how they can help their loves one. I hope to let them know of services and give encouragement and hope. I’m going to be very busy with my blogs but I feel that it is just what we do on FB but just in a different site.

Thing 21: Tracking and analytics

The most popular post was my first post. The reason being I think is because we had so many people in our group that I got the most hit because people in our group were encourage to go and check everyone new blog. The second big hit is when I started back again. I posted up 6 new posts and even though it doesn’t say which of the six got the most hits it’s fair to say that when you start to post a few things up people must think you have something to say.

I’m not to sure where you would find the peak readership times (I did try to look for it). I did read something like ‘all times’ which I thought that it couldn’t pin point one time that people were looking at the post.

I indicated that the first many hits was because it was requested from the group to check out other blogs. The second time I believe it was because of the many post I put up on that day. I must test theory out again and see if I can really see a pattern.

Thing 20: Tagxedo

images[2]Tagxedo turns words — famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters — into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.

I’ve used this in a classroom where students had to write 20 words about themselves all positive and then 20 more about a friend which was then turned into art. It was a wonderful way to build self esteem and affirm others of their wonderful self. This covered three curriculum areas, Language, Health and IT Technology.

I tried to make one myself but I had trouble loading it to my computer. The picture was from Google images and it was link to ‘Engagement and the authentic Integration of ICT in Literacy and Numeracy’.

Thing 10: Troy’s words of Wisdom

I have posted Troy’s most current post on his blog because the message was so simple but so true. I saw it as keeping information in one basket (like this institute) and only those who have access to it are allowed to take it. Where if it was shared then anyone could access it and there would be no gatekeepers of knowledge.

This whakatauki is similar to don’t keep all your eggs in one Basket, I thought this an

Eggs by jronaldlee, on Flickr

Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  jronaldlee 

appropriate whakatauki because of my habit of saving a copy of important documents on my desk-top and a copy using one of the many cloud storage options that are open to us and of which we learned in thing 18.

Thing 8: Social Network

I really don’t like Social networks because you give a lot of your personal and professional information out that it feel likes everyone knows you, but they don’t. Lately though I find myself on Facebook … I wonder if that is because I’ve just finished my Masters and really have nothing better to do?

My thoughts on social networks are schizophrenic, sometimes my alter ego comes out and I say things that I might (scratch that I know I would) not say out aloud. This could be one of the dangers of using social networks for research. It offers feed back (+&-), ability to load information, videos and your own voice. As I’m typing this I’m thinking ummm this isn’t a bad thing maybe this could be good. So I wonder what is the difference between FB and a Blog? Ok I’m going off on a tangent here, big picture I think FB is good, I go on more then I make phone calls, I like what other people are doing and I’m getting in some reading everyday.

I also belong to LinkedIn but I don’t go on here unless I see someone I know trying to contact me. I have had many job offers on LinkedIn which was cool but I’m still interested in studying. That’s pretty much all I think about LinkedIn. If anyone could tell me how to use LinkedIn a bit better I would be interested.

Thing 17: Taking notes

How could we use the notebook structure to compartmentalise notes about different aspects of our research?

OK so I have had some major problems with my laptop with the keyboard not working … and then the mouse not working. I have been taking notes old school way in a very big note book. This is only because my computer has been in the shop 6 times to get the keyboard and the mouse working again. This morning when I went to check my emails the keyboard once again is not working. I know you guys are thinking just get a new laptop but the struggle is real and this is not within my budget just yet.

Note taking is such a pain on my computer. So I thought I’ll just give you some tips on how I managed my notes on paper. When I take notes I use a new page everyday and I just simply date it this is how I remember where in my note book I might have written something that I needed. I try and write titles and I find that I can mind map much faster then if I was using my computer. In my calendar I have a schedule in where I should be within my research, I also try to update it if I’m behind or ahead so I know not to go back to certain things till much later or I urgently need to finish something before I can move forward.

With my experience with my laptop I am still very happy to write things down. It’s cheap, if I have an idea I can pull out my note book and jot it down. I can see the benefits of evernote but it requires you to have a very good working computer.

Thing 16: Refworks

I’ve just handed in my Master dissertation on Monday. I have been using Refworks which is absolutely fantastic. Liz from the library gave me a quick lesson and I was off. I was going to do it old school and just collect and hand write down in a book but after see how easy it was to just press a few buttons I was hooked.

What I had to fix up was taking out the issues or is it the volumes of articles because they do not need to be included. It’s something new my supervisor tells me but still on the day my paper is due the last thing I wanted to do is go through my APA to make sure that I have deleted a few numbers.

I highly recommend Refworks or endnote, it is a time saver and it does take out the stress of sorting our your Reference page.

Thing 13: Wiki

I edited just the tiniest bit in the Education Wiki page. I felt so nervous putting anything in there. I wanted to add more but thought I might reserve doing so until I consulted with others. Fantastic site, it’s all about keeping in touch with so many people in different ways.